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Call us on 01686 620760
Paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to the Housing Act 1996 prohibits the Agency (as part of Barcud Group) from employing close relatives of Board Members and only allows them to employ close relatives of members of staff under certain conditions. If, therefore, you are related to a Board Member or a member of staff of the Agency or Barcud Group (or to someone who is no longer a Board Member or member of staff but who has been within the last 12 months), please state the name of the person and your relationship to him or her.
Barcud Group works towards eliminating discrimination and promoting equal opportunities, both in the provision of services and as an employer. Completion of this section of the application form is at your discretion as it is voluntary. Data collected will be used to help the Barcud Group monitor and ensure the success of our Single Equality Scheme. It will also be used to report on the needs of different groups of people. All information will be treated confidentially and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
N.B. These categories are those used in the 2011 census and are recommended for use by the Equality and Human Rights Commission
Welsh Language Skills
(Please tick as appropriate)
The Equality Act 2010 defines disability as ‘a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on your ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’. This includes people with sensory and mobility problems, people with learning difficulties, people with mental health needs and people living with a serious health condition.
If you feel you could benefit from adjustments/changes made to help you with your activities for Barcud Group, please contact the Governance Officer or HR Manager and we would be happy to talk to you about this.
In order to enable the Agency to deal with your on-line application for employment, please read the following statement. If you find yourself unable to agree, then you must not send this application and you should place a tick in the relevant box
I certify that the foregoing particulars are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and understand that the giving of incorrect information may result in my application being refused or cancelled.